segunda-feira, 30 de abril de 2012

Lost World

Lost World

Restless Living with no Meaning,
Showing no Love,less Understanding...
Senseless Acts,Foolish Thinking,
Bringing Strange Reactions,
 FromUnexpected Feelings...

Waiting for some Unnatural Event,
Which soon will leave no Scent,...
For what it will be Meant,...
With no Sense of Repent...
Leading this World to an End...

It'll soon come the Hour,
At which Uncontroled Nuclear Power,
Will spread out the Whole Earth...
Leaving no trace of Birth...
Don't ask me Why !...

Samissomar  ©

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sábado, 28 de abril de 2012



Far Away Distant Planet !...
An Eternal Paradise Formation,
By People Capable Of Planetary
Most Violent Actions Inhabited...
Request Its Immediate Conservation !...
A New Rebirth Process Is Necessary  !...

Reporting Strange Movements ...
All Over The Planet's Surface...
 Beings Show Irrational Behaviour,
In A Deadly Weapons´Race...
Having Total Deadly Power !...
Leading To Full Mass Destructions !...

Message Is Confirmed !...
Planet " Earth " In Question...
" Homo Sapiens " Its Inhabitant...
We Have A Very Sad Information !...
A Great Disaster Has Now Occured !...
Neither of Them Are Now Significant !...

Samissomar   ©

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sexta-feira, 27 de abril de 2012


Day After...

And Day and Night...
It's always Fight !...
It's always Right !...
You go Your Way...

And  Night and Day...
You always say
That same old Play...
As Black and White...

But then you plan...
Leave All behind some Day...
Like a Ship without Sail...
You circled all your Way...
You're so confused...
That's All Insane !?...

Days,never lasting...
Nights,Shadows creeping...
You are One...No One...
Day after... Day...
Night,turning you on,
Over,Round  you,and Down... 

Samissomar   ©

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quarta-feira, 28 de março de 2012

Nature Beware!


Heavens,maybe Somewhere Above !...
But Surely,not on this Planet Earth !...
 Man looses Rapidly The Meaning of Love,
With His Mind posessed by Vicious !...

Just Listen to him Speak...
Of all that's Right or Wrong...
Perfection his only Seek,
Still his Speeches are too Long...

 Mountains he brings to Simple Dust...
As Forests he´ll turn quickly into Desert...
Since for Power He has A Great Lust,
Beware Nature,I give you the Alert !...

Samissomar  © 

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quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2012

Thoughts Beyond


Wish  I was Away on Some Lost Island,
Safe from This World Blinded by The Urge,
Wish It was an Ever Lasting Refuge,
No Man Could Put to an End...

Is it a Dream,Is this A Fantasy ?
Is This Possible,Can It be Real ?
Nowhere to Run,No One to Appeal !
Who am I,Am I Being Crazy ?

Have Reached a Dead End !
Too Late to Stop This Disaster !
Never Panic,You´re The Master !
 Don´t Hide Your Head In The Sand !

 Is This A Dream,Or An Illusion ?
There ´s no Hope,Any Belief !
No More Freedom,Any Relief !
I Must Find The Final Solution ?

Samissomar   ©

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terça-feira, 13 de março de 2012

Man Maniac

Man Maniac

Eager for Power and for Glory,
He throws himself into the Unknown
His achievements are contradictory,
Yet,never gives up,he keeps on...

Still ...a fight he must face,
The one with his Conscience,
With a fixed Mind he continues the race,
Oh...he certainly loves the experience...

Man ...Man  Maniac...
Stop...see all you have got,
You are merely a meaningless Spot...
You simply lost Your way back...

Samissomar   ©

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sexta-feira, 2 de março de 2012



The Culture of every Nation
Is like the Roots of a Tree
That sustain its Evolution
Through Times of Wealth or Necessity...

Without Culture's influence
Man would not have evolved
For the better,or for the worse,
Outstanding every kind of experience...

Past Times...and Present Actions,
Both interact with the Future
Of all living Civilizations,
Beeing it of Human,or Alien Matter...

Samissomar   © 

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sábado, 14 de janeiro de 2012

Conflict of Civilizations

Conflict of Civilizations

And so... the Story goes...
Getting Darker and Darker...
As Space and Time run together...
Civilizations of all times and races...
They're destined to Destruction...
As they eager for the utmost Power...
Of Controling all the Universe...
  And lost the meaning of Salvation... 

Samissomar    ©

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